Sue set up Your Marketing Team in 2013, starting out initially as a freelance Marketing Manager, then growing the business into a full service marketing team. She began her career in a EMEA Marketing at IBM, then moved from IT into UK Telecoms Marketing for mobile brands Samsung and Nokia.
Specialises in Marketing Strategy, Marketing Management, Branding, Product Launches, B2B Channel Marketing, Sponsorship and Marketing Communications. Graduated from university with a 1st class (Hons) degree in Business & Management studies, then completed the Chartered Institute of Marketing diploma and a certificate with distinction from the Institute of Direct Marketing. Sue is now a member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (MCIM).
Years Experience
22 years in professional Marketing roles.
Running alongside the beach, talking about faith and spending time with her two daughters.
Lies, laziness and lime pickle.
A bit more...
Sue originally set up the business as a way of earning a living doing something she enjoyed, whilst raising a young family. It has evolved over the years into much more than this. The drive comes from working with a team of talented individuals to support SME business growth across a wide range of industry sectors.